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For 26 Episode Pen Drive
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The Legend of Ponnivala
The English Sound Track Video Pen Drive:
This 8 gigabyte pen drive contains 26 video episodes. Each episode contains 25 minutes of dazzling animation. This handy and very portable little USB provides just a little under twelve hours of continuous entertainment. The animation is of professional quality. It was developed and produced using 2D software in order to better capture the viewer’s imagination. The style used also captures the feel of the traditional folk art patterns once popular a particular region of Tamilnadu, the area known as Kongu natu. This is the area where the story takes place and the physical surround that this legend describes. All of the animation work presented in these episodes was directed by Mr. Ravichandran Arumugam, a talented folk artist whose own grandfather was a proud and respected local singer of this very story. In its original telling the Legend of Ponnivala took some forty four hours to sing (over eighteen nights). Here its complete telling has been reduced to just under twelve hours of video and sub-divided into 26 parts. The art style reflects the personal imagination of the project’s lead artist, showing what he thinks the story scenes might have looked in their own time. Rather than striving for historical accuracy in clothing use and in the region’s varied architectural styles, the lead artist has tried to authentically reflect the Tamil imagination of a folk story lover who was raised from birth in the Kongu area. This pen drive features an English sound track. If you want to listen to the sound track in Tamil please order the parallel Tamil version of this product.